Monday, January 07, 2008

5 Myths about voting

Excellent article on Washignton Post's Website about things we think are true about voting, but really aren't. Recommended reading for anyone planning on voting this year.

You can read the full article here.

I'm planning on posting my new year's resolutions sometime later this week. I encourage everyone else with a blog to post their resolutions on their sites as well. Something about publicizing your goals makes it more likely that you won't forget or neglect them. Look for my resolutions later this week.


stewedslacker said...

About voting... I will, but while watching canidates speak on the issues and learning about them as people gives me this sick feeling in my stomach. Something akin to the feeling you get when you see red and blues flashing in your rear-view. The feeling that, no matter what you do or say, you are already screwed and should just get accustomed to living with the consequences. In any event, I don't make resolutions, terribly irresponsible, but that is how I am.

slipperyjim said...

Liked the article - especially a couple of points -

point four was that most voting is not about values, but facts - couldn't agree more - I think abortion disagreements are really disagreements about what that fetus really is - a human life or a piece of tissue.

under point three it mentions that most voters have strong feelings about things they don't know anything about. Amen. Let's just say I'm glad that the educational system isn't a huge topic in this debate. It's tiresome to listen to people who have no clue talk about it....
