Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Issues

So, today was probably the worst church meeting I've been to since I've moved to Vegas. I'll probably blog about it later this week, but the horror is too fresh in my mind to blog about it right now. The upshot is, I really want to go to a new ward, and might even consider a family ward just to get out. Anyway, to ease my pain, I've spent the day immersed in socially conscious New Zealand music. My friend Matt recently turned me on to Flight of the Conchords and I'm hooked. Below is one of my favorite Flight of the Conchords videos. Usually, I prefer more esoteric Indie Rock, but I think that the issues that they break down in this song are so universal that they appeal to everyone, and they certainly spoke to me. Enjoy.


Matthew Spring said...

Yes! I'm so glad to get a shout out in the Brad blog. It makes me so happy that you're digging on the Conchords. They most definitely rock.

The Rage said...

Oh My! How did I not know about them? The good and bad of this post:
1. The Good - It was hysterical.
2. The Bad - I watched it at work and had to explain why I laughed so hard I peed a little.
Diseases from monkeys, forks and knives - They really covered all of the bases and that's what we really need.

slipperyjim said...

So I am anxiously awaiting the description of the worst day at church ever. And it all started out so fun.....

slipperyjim said...
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choppanator said...

i demand a blog update. you have obscene amounts of extra time on your hands, and therefore must update your blog daily. it is almost important as brushing your teeth.