Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Open letter to CBS

Dear CBS,

This is not a letter; it's an intervention.

Look, I understand the decision to put Katie Couric on the news. She had good ratings on her old network, she seems so sweet on the air. It was a good gamble. Really, it was. But the time has come to face reality. She's not working out. She's awful. She doesn't have "it." Audiences hate her, and no one watches her. She doesn't have the "gravitas" of a news anchor. Time to admit your mistake and move on. She's unwatchable. I'm begging you to replace her. It's not that she's a woman. I don't care if you replace her with another woman. You could replace her with a hyper-literate iguana who does the news via sign language and it would be an improvement. Cut your losses and walk away. You're both just embarrassing yourselves and it needs to stop.


A concerned former viewer.

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