Thursday, August 30, 2007

This semester

Generally, I only blog when bored in class. It looks like I'll be blogging a lot this semester. Generally, I don't blog specific law school events because I know people from my class read this and I don't want to risk offending anyone. I'm making an exception because, well, I've quit caring.

Here's the rundown on my classes and my first impressions.

Evidence- Monday Wednesday at 3:00

The jury is still out on this class, but so far its okay. It earns bonus marks for the Professor having cancelled class this past wednesday and not marking two additional classes at 6:00 am in the morning to make up for it like a certain professor I had in the spring decided to do. The Prof. showed an incomprehensible film clip at the end of last class about a Southern guy who looked like an extra from "O Brother, Where Art Thou." Apparently the guy may or may not have killed his brother who was in great pain after having accidentally attacked himself with a chain saw several years earlier. I swear I am not making this up. The film had literally nothing to do with the class, but it one points for the unintentional comedy that came from interviews of really old rednecks who had obviously consumed copious amounts of spirituous beverages in their lifetime. Best part: When asked why the police would want to frame him for murder, the old gentleman smiles, showing his three remaining teeth, picks up a handful of dirt, points to a field looking suspiciously like a toxic waste dump, and says, "This land, this land here is what they are after." Camera starts to shake as newsman tries hard not to break out laughing.

Public Privacy and Defamation
Mondays and Wednesdays at 7:45 p.m.

Surprising good class. Cases involve celebrities, tatoo artists, scandals, etc. If nothing else, the case book is a juicy read. Plus, advanced torts are on the Bar Exam so it is at least useful.

Con Law II
Tuesday Thursday 1:30

I used to think that Con Law I was the most useless class ever, now I know I was wrong. I haven't actually opened the book yet because we don't really go through the cases. We just talk about the history of the law and our feelings. It's like being trapped in an episode of Oprah, only without the free pontiac. Add to that the fact that a number of people in the class make up for lack of thinking ability by vocally stating uninformed positions on whatever issues the class is discussing. Every time I leave this class I feel dumber. I just dread going because I know I don't get that hour and a half of my life back, and it is time I could spend doing something more enjoyable than sitting in that class, like bathing in sulfuric acid. It's just not a good class.

Wills Trusts and Estates
Monday Wednesday 3:00.

I love this class. It's useful, I learn things. I leave knowing more than when I went in. Why is it so hard to have a similar experience in other classes? The Prof knows his stuff and the textbook actually explains things clearly. Plus, every case is about people dying and the class is filled with lots of black humor. My twisted sense of humor thrives in this kind of setting and I love it. Plus, there are no class participation points so there is no need to suck up to the Prof., who has made it pretty clear he doesn't like people who kiss his butt.

That's the schedule for the semester. It's nice and lax which means I can get a job if I want, plus, I have time to run. If I get in four miles tonight, and get in my full run Saturday then I will hit 35 miles this week. And yes, it is 100+ degrees outside every day and no, I don't care.

1 comment:

smithfieldman said...

I always knew you would be a great celebrity lawyer. So when I am famous I will need you on retainer...