Sunday, September 21, 2008

Regime Change

I've thought a lot about the recent government takeovers, financial crisis, gas problems, etc. I'm not sure where I stand on a lot of things. I support high gas prices, but the rest of it, I just don't know how I feel yet. I do know that things should never have gotten this bad. I also know that it is not just the democrats who are at fault, or the republicans who are to blame. It's not one party's fault; it's everyone's fault. As far as national politicians go, they ALL failed us.

That is why I have come up with a radical solution. This fall when you vote in national elections, don't vote along party lines. Vote against the incumbent. Every single member of congress should lose his or her job. They should all be replaced. Let's finally hold people accountable, let's throw them all out. Let's have real change, let's get rid of everyone.


stewedslacker said...

I'm all for it. And too bad we can't just go back to the good ol days when we really believed that if the government was failing the people we could just overthrow it and establish Liberty and personal rights in a more refined manner. I think at least half of the founding fathers thought that the Revolutionary war and the resulting government was a mere beta test for something better to come. To bad we can't boot SC Justices while we're at it....

Peter FNFN said...

if you convinced Steven Colbert of this, it just might work.
honestly, write him.