Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Clean Water

I know that the radical shift in tone from each blog post must throw some of you, but I can't help it. The reason this happens is possibly because I'm a person of such radically diverse interests. Unfortunately, this means that 2 out of every 3 posts are meant to be ironic, with the remainder actually having some serious or relevant point.

This post is one of those serious/relevant point things. I like to stay informed on the world and when I catch something interesting or informative I like to pass it on. I found a great article on freakonomics (one of my favorite sites) on economics of clean water. I found it a great, informative read on a very basic problem and I strongly encourage everyone to check it out.

Article is called Potability, Politics, and Pipes By David Zetland

Please read and encourage others to read, and also discuss the article and the issues it talks about at your water cooler.

1 comment:

Peter FNFN said...

ignorance is bliss. work can do it to ya! haha
i used to keep up with politics and stuff.... the good old days