Monday, September 22, 2008

Economy Links

Links on economic doom.

1) It all comes back to greed. From

2) Why Secretary Paulson is wrong. From University of Chicago

3) Mark Cuban's plea for both candidates to revoke their economic plans in the wake of the recent buyouts. Agreeing with my position that Tax Cuts now become a virtual impossiblity

4) Diamond and Kahyap on the financial upheaval. From Freakonomics last week

5) Naked Capitalism, why you should hate the bailout.

6) Obama lied about how Social Security recipients would have lost everything under privitization. From

7) Obama was NOT the 4th largest recipient of donations from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That's a dirty political lie. Obama was the SECOND largest recipient of donations from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. From

Remember: In this year's national elections, vote against the incumbent.


smithfieldman said...

Don't forget Roger Cohen's Cash for Trash commentary,

Unknown said...

Never thought I would agree with Paul Krugman. I now have to go light myself on fire.

BP and J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jen said...

Thanks for helping me stay informed. I appreciate it.