Monday, July 16, 2007

Harry Potter 7

Okay guys, Saturday is Harry Potter 7, if you haven't posted predicitons on what happens then I am demanding that you do so immediately, either in your blog or in the comments section here. Predicitons should include who dies, who lives, whether Snape is evil, and who, if anyone, comes back from the dead, as well as any other relevant events you think might occur in book 7

Update: For some reason, I'm having technical difficulties. This post is not appearing on the blog page when I post it, but people tell me it can still be viewed. This just adds to my theory that my parents internet sucks. Anyway, post them predictions.


smithfieldman said...

I predict Harry lives, Snape is a conflicted good-guy some kind of double agent, the Malfoys are exiled, Harry hooks up with Ginny, Ron gets injured, Dumbledore comes back in spirit form somehow, Voldemort dies, Prof. Trelawney dies, and Harry's scar goes away.
Those are just some of my thoughts, maybe I will predict more on my blog.

So where are your predictions?

slipperyjim said...

Harry should die, but somehow Snape is able to make the sacrifice for him (this is my thinking ripped straight out of Orson Scott Card's essay).

JK Rowling cries because the story is over, millions of kids worldwide mourn for more. Bands unite in concerts to demand more. Al Gore leaves his global warming platform and becomes the new spokesman for the "we want more" platform. Rowling becomes the new Conan Doyle and brings everyone back in the new Ron Weasley series. She is eventually killed by a car bomb set by a 15-year-old Muslim kid named Mohammed in London. Democrats finally take terrorism seriously because "hell, that was JK Rowling." The Weasley series is only half complete. Hack writers attempt to finish the series.

slipperyjim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
choppanator said...

harry has to die. ron has to die. snape has to die. and voldemort has to die. that is the only way the story can truly come to an "end." ron dies because he has grown in confidence and tries to take on voldemort one on one. harry comes to his rescue and kills voldemort, but sacrifices his own life in the process. snape dies before we find out if he is good or evil, or both. the end.

Unknown said...

All three of you need to blog about this.

choppanator said...

i demand a new blog post by darbley... now!!!11!!!1