Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Random thoughts I had in class

1) I didn't think Brittany Spears could get any crazier, but darn if that girl doesn't have a talent for surprising. I guess an artist must continually reinvent herself to stay fresh and appealing, but honestly, I don't know what she can do to top this. Perhaps a tattoo on her face? Maybe a steamy tabloid romance with Carrot Top? Some weeks ago, I would have totally written her off as over, replaced by far more interesting train wrecks like Lindsay Lohan. Now, I think there is no ceiling on how crazy she could get. She could become the female Mike Tyson. I hit refresh on Drudge Report 5 times an hour just to see what she's going to do next. Honestly, I hope she never makes another movie or album, she's far more entertaining when she is screwing up in real life.

2) Five years ago, if you were to have picked which cast member of Harry Potter would be most likely to appear in porn, would you have picked Harry? I would have gone with Hermione. Yes, I know, it's not porn, it's serious art, done tastefully, he had creative control, etc. I'm sure all of the creepy, 40 year old men who are googling pictures of him late at night are thinking "My, this nudity is tastefully done and the artistic merits are impeccable.

3) P.S. Brittany, Ditch the whole 12 step thing. Rehab is for quitters.

4) Al Franken is running for the senate in Minnesota. Stuart Smalley could be in the senate, yet a born leader like Vince McMahon can't be taken seriously. Who wouldn't vote for Vince? C-Span would be infinitely more watchable. Imagine, Hillary Clinton moves to filibuster a judicial candidate, just as she moves for a quorum call, Vince hits her over the head with a chair, and says, "I'll fill you, buster!!!!" Wouldn't you watch the news every night just to see what crazy thing went on? Also, I find his positions on foreign policy to be very cogent and forward-thinking.

5) Katie Couric is like the broadcast news equivalent of Rocky V. Just unwatchable. You wonder how thinking people ever let this happen. It's bad, but it's not bad enough to watch for comic value, like "Glitter" or "Plan Nine From Outer Space." It's bad along the lines of turn the channel and try to pretend you didn't see it.

6) Who went and watched Ghost Rider? Was there some kind of subliminal signal sent out in the previews that made people think, "My life is in no way valuable and I have too much money, I will happily go buy a ticket to a clearly dreadful movie." Why would you go watch this movie when you can shove a screwdriver into your brain through your nasal passages to achieve the same result for far less money?


choppanator said...

dude, the post was commentless... so i thought i would have pity on it and leave a comment. may this post live long and prosper.

Unknown said...

I would totally buy Nick Cage as a comic book hero. I can even believe he made a pact with the Devil for fame and fortune. I just can't believe anyone would pay to see Nick Cage in anything after the cinematic excrement that was City of Angels. That movie killed Meg Ryan's career, yet Nick continues to thrive. double standard?