Monday, April 25, 2005

Back by popular demand

Okay, I so wasn't going to blog today, on account of the fact that I really can't think of anything intelligent to write. However, after perusing other blogs, I've realized that having something intelligent to say is in no way a requirement for blogging. Todays blog centers on living in utah, and why it is uncool. Let's go with the numbered list format.

1) Okay, this is huge. I cannot find any decent salsa in this state. All of the store bought salsa tastes like butt. Seriously, am I the only one with functioning taste buds in this state? Hello!? You can have salsa that is hot and has good flavor. It's not loaves and fishes, people. It can happen without divine intervention.

2) In any other state, if you were to turn on your turn signal, you would eventually be let in. Not so in Utah. Apparently, the state motto here is "Death Before Yielding."

3) That girl I dated who was waaaaaaaaaay to clingy and needy. She'll never read this so I can say it. You really creeped me out. Space, women, its not just for Captain Kirk.

4) All the women I want to date, totally ignore me for stupid reasons such as they don't think of me "that way", they aren't interested, or have husbands. Lame excuses, all of them.

5) Three words. Oh, My, Heck.

6) It's the end of April, still no spring in sight.

7) Towns that are pronounced in funky manners. Hurricane shyould not be pronounced her-uh-ken.

8) If there is two feet of snow on the ground, you are not in a drought. Live with it.

9) The guy at my work trying to become a non-guy. Come on, dude, chop not off thy dudeness. Somethings cannot be restored, or sewn back on. What are you thinking? Never met anyone with thsi problem outside of Utah.

That's my quick blog for the day. Thanks all.

5 comments: said...

Well, i'm told it's a special thing to be the first to comment. so how exciting is this.
Well "darbleyg", I think you forgot one thing on your list. We could call it number 11, but I might put it up on the top of the list: the inversion causes wide spread sickness and laziness. come on people, just because it was sunny yesterday and it's raining today doesn't mean you have to get sick.
wow about that guy wanting to be a girl. that's strange if you ask me.

kittykat5000 said...

I agree with Polychic, and I'm not even from here. The problem with most out of staters is the fact that they seem to want everyone to feel sorry that they are "forced to live in Utah". Here's an idea, move away, we don't want you here, invading the streets and stealing all of the good parking spots. I've also noticed that most of the people who complain are either from California or Washington...hmmm. Besides, we all know that Idaho is the greatest state in the Union.

smithfieldman said...

Well noone will probably ever read this comment but oh well. Maybe Brad will. I can understand how out of staters don't like living in state. But most of those who complain come to live at BYU and have to abide by "Certain" rules that everybody in the rest of the state laughs at. Provo should not represent UTah. If you want to get the real Utah experience, live in a rural town. And then and only then can you have the right to complain about Utah and you will find that there really is no need. If only Provo would secede from the state...

The Rage said...

I'm with darbleyg and ptown popstar, Utah has some problems. But there is a special place in heart of hearts for Fruitland (very rural) and Idaho. But seriously, if I put on my blinker -let me over. I'd take the ghetto any day over Provo. said...

first of all, there's no way Granite bay will ever brake off, so if you want oceanside prop, you need to move just north of sactown.
secondly, provo is different than the rest of the state. thank goodness i'm here and not in payson.
thirdly, if you're in the fast lane go fast. don't shove you're beliefs about obeying the speed laws down my throat (and if that's not why you're going slow, then wake up and look in you're rear view mirror; that's why it's there).
fourth, i miss you. I'll leave you to decide who i'm talking about.