Saturday, April 16, 2005

Random thoughts from a deranged mind.

Greetings all! This is my very first blog and I am absolutely horrified that a nutjob like myself can get onto the internet and write whatever he wants. I expect that I will use this blog to comment on society, and occaisionally write coherent, well thought out columns. However, this first time I'm just going to write random thoughts about whatever pops into my mind. For those of you who don't know me, I don't think in paragraph form, so my random thoughts blogs will be in the ever popular bulleted format. Here goes:

1) How is it that George Lucas can manage to piece together two and a half minutes of footage to make a good movie trailer, but can't manage to make a decent movie? Every three years it seems we get a movie trailer that looks awesome, promising to equal the glory of the original trilogy. Then, once we go to the movie theater we find that once again George has delivered to us the cinematic equivalent of a kidney stone. It's just not fair.

2) I think that we should let baseball players use whatever steroids they want, as long as they provide the fans attending the game with whatever drugs they want. Imagine, juiced up athletes with skinny legs and horrible back-acne drilling 500 foot homers as the audience screams in an LSD induced hallucination. At least the sport would finally be watchable.

3) Dr. Dre should be limited to discovering new rappers and saying "Hell yeah!" on albums. I feel very strongly about this.

4) Someone tried to tell me that the plastic ono band was innovative. There are simply not enough drugs on this planet to get me to agree with that statement.

5) Shouldn't there be a sport on Pay-per-view that is just monkeys with chainsaws?

6) It turns out that one of the guys from 98 degrees is getting his own reality show. Meanwhile, the person most deserving o a reality show, Mike Tyson, still does not get enough TV coverage to satisfy me.

7) Scented candles are a scam. Does anyone else see this? I feel like I am taking crazy pills.

8) In a perfect world, hollywood liberals, and members of the bush administration would make peace and engage in all star jam sessions. Am I the only one who is rooting for Dick Cheney to get onstage with the Pearl Jam and just let the music flow? Of course I'm not.

9) On TV you always see guys who find girls that are willing to just start making out after five minutes of knowing each other. Where are these women? Do they gather somewhere that I am unaware of? I've checked everywhere and can't find them. I even strolled through an Abercrombie and Fitch store in search of these women. Can't find them. If you know where they are, please let me know.

10) Maybe the secret of Lost is that there is no secret. Maybe they're just trapped on a creepy island. Has this possibility not occured to anyone else?

Thanks, until later.


Howard said...

Yeah Why don't every one just get tired of this scripted crap..

kittykat5000 said...

wow-a stellar performance for your first blog.

smithfieldman said...

I loved the trilogy comment. It was good times. But nothing can be worse than the first two movies so I am expecting big things from the third