Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Bullets over Utah

Today's Blog is being typed durin the time that i would be running, except my asthma flared up and my inhaler is on empty. Yippee.

I can't think of anything specific, so here are the random thoughts which peel through my mind at warp factor 9 as I type.

1) I'm glad to see that last week's blog inspired arguments about whether or not Utah sucks. This argument in no way resembles the type of conversation 4 year olds might have over who's dad could is coolest.

2) The new Star Wars is rated PG-13. Hmmmm...Wouldn't it be like the greatest trick ever if George Lucas were to release two really bad movies and then release the greatest film ever made. There could be a little clip of him at the end of the movie going "Got Ya!"

3) I know, the third star wars will suck. George Lucas probably just filmed himself rolling around naked in a huge pile of money for two and a half hours.

4) Even if the last statement is true, i'm still going to see it, and you are too. Don't Front.

5) Did anyone else hear that Paula Abdul had an affair with an American Idol Contestant? You go girl! What is she, like 50 and bagging teenage boys? Isn't that Michael Jackson's bit?

6) There is now a 15 pound hamburger. Finally, a hamburger made for the husky gentleman.

7) Who would win in a fight, Buffy, Vampire Slayer, or Wolverine? Am I the only one losing sleep trying to answer this question?

8) Speaking of Wolverine, does it bother anyone else that Hugh Jackman has been leaning towards the very gay end of the rainbow lately?

9) How has Ron Artest not appeared on pro wrestling? This is so obvious a four year old could make this happen. I demand that someone book this immediately.

10) If I were God, I would turn Utah into a nasty, Arid place. I would give it rocky soil, and alternate between flooding and drought. Then, I would populate the state with people who drive ina manner that can only be described as creative, and who mispronounce the word "across." That's what I would do. Oh, wait.....


smithfieldman said...

Defininetely Wolverine! Hands down, there would be no contest. I am excited also to see George Lucas make more money because of me going to the movies. And I think four-year-olds have some valid arguments.

www.jonpinney.com said...

simsi, i miss your humor. we need to hang out. and I thought the third one was way better than the first two. hugh's head is really small.