Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Why do I run?

Sometimes people ask my why I run so much.

I run because it's hard

I run because there are days that I'm angry

I run because there are days that I'm sad

I run because because there's part of me that doesn't think I'm strong enough to go the full distance, and I need to prove that part wrong.

I run because there are times it makes me nauseous.

I run because there are times it makes me sore.

I run because I think I'm weak

I run because I get runner's high and it makes it worth any pain.

I run because when I can barely move and I want to collapse is when I feel most alive

I run for all the times I felt frustrated, or disappointed, or unhappy.

I run because every moment my heart isn't beating at over 160 beats a minute, I feel like a sissy.

I run because I secretly suspect that I might be insane

I run because shin splints are imaginary.

I run because tendinitis is not as painful as I thought it was

I run because asthma will never control my life

I run because I hope to do a marathon on my 100th birthday

I run because I have no interest in video games

I run because when I hear the theme from chariots of fire, I've got to move

I run because I love it, and I'm hopelessly, endlessly addicted to it.

I run because it's part of who I am.


stewedslacker said...

I am glad that I get to post first. So basically, you are constantly unhappy, frustrated, sad, and possibly insane- run. Hmmm... I think I am going there myself. Oh, and what did Tim tell you to do?

smithfieldman said...

That's a lot of reasons... No wonder you run for so many miles.

politicchic6 said...

I ran to burn the cookies I eat. End of story.

Adrienne said...

Hi Brad, I loved your post. I just started running in January and I'm training for the Disneyworld Marathon in January 2009. I love having a goal when I train, but just the process of overcoming myself and getting the kinks out of my legs makes me feel like it was worth it to get out of bed that day. At least I did that right.

Peter FNFN said...

lies, lies, lies.

you're running from your past.

slipperyjim said...

Keep kicking ass - and I'm serious. Don't become a pussy video game Wi-playing, wanna-be...

Lots of love...

slipperyjim said...

Keep kicking ass - and I'm serious. Don't become a pussy video game Wi-playing, wanna-be...

Lots of love...