Monday, March 10, 2008

I believe...

I believe...

that Sam Waterson should be featured less on Law and Order

that the Shaq trade is about a week away from being an unmitigated disaster.

that the Shaq trade was still a better move than the Jason Kidd trade.

that Las Vegas should get a Basketball team

that there is never a reason to watch a movie with Martin Lawrence in it. Ever.

that Dora the Explorer entered this country illegally.

that everyone should run a half marathon.

that Roger Clemens cheated.

that He-Man was on the juice too.

that one of the Muppet Babies was gay.

that insomnia sucks.

that the Wire had an amazing ending.

that this season of LOST has been amazing. Even the Juliet episode.

that Claire will be the next to die.

that Michael is Ben's man on the Boat.

that Obama is overrated.

that Vampire Weekend is pretty cool.

that "Cherry Bomb" by Spoon was one of the best songs of last year that you probably didn't hear.

that not listening to Joshua Radin and the Format are crimes against Music.

that I will never understand girls.

that I'm not nearly as tough as I thought I was.

that Law School grades are almost completely arbitrary.

that I want to live in Monterey, California one day.

that although I may laugh at Family Guy, I will never feel good about it.

that the Matrix is a terrible movie.

that Keanu Reeves should be required to use his "english" accent in every movie he appears in.

that Charlie Rose is better than Jay Leno.

that everyone should read the Book of Mormon and seriously contemplate it.

that tomorrow is going to be a good day

that my niece and nephew are the cutest little trouble makers ever.

that everyone is entitled to a defense.

that justice will never rob mercy.

that nothing smells as good as Aracoiaba da Serra on a rainy day.

that the affect you have on others is more important than your job.

that Bob Dylan still has it.

that deep breathing exercises don't work.

that people should blog.


smithfieldman said...

I never knew you had such strong beliefs on a whole array of topics. What if Locke is Ben's person on the boat? THe Juliet episode was Ok, but the one with Desmond so far has been the best.

Peter FNFN said...

i agree...
that this season of LOST has been amazing. but desmond's episode by far the best.
that locke is NOT ben's person.
that Aaron has the demon inside him, or a cure for the world.
that everyone should live on both coasts at least one year.
that brad's post was stellar.

Unknown said...

Ah-Brad, you are a funny man. Of course one of the Muppet Babies was gay. It was that one that had the twin sister. (They both wore glasses and never served any purpose on the show.)

jen said...

i believe...
you think too much about Lost :)

Sarah said...

Claire can't die!!!