Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Prayers are answered

From time to time, the universe throws you a bone. Something happens that can only be explained by the universe manipulating forces and individuals solely for my personal entertainment. This is one of those times. Perpetual Train wreck Lindsay Lohan's little sister, Ali, now has her own reality show on E! But wait, it gets better. The show is going to follow her as she tries to make it as a singer. But wait, as if the unintentional comedy scale were not already perilously close to being shattered, it gets even better. The show is going to be filmed at the Palms Casino in downtown Las Vegas. That's right, a girl with a proven family history of alcoholism, drug abuse, eating disorders, and outright insanity is going to be turned loose, presumably poorly supervised, in an environment with plentiful booze, copious amounts of drugs, and men who would not balk at sleeping with a dangerously underage girl. Whoever green-lighted this show should be the CEO for Bad IDEA Jeans. I can't believe that this is all going to be going on a few miles from my house. It's like Christmas has come early.

Mark my words, faithful Simsisms readers, I will get on this show. I don't know when, I don't know how, but this much, I do know, It is my destiny to be involved as an underage Lohan girl is shamelessly encouraged to pursue a dream despite an obvious lack of talent and begins the long and steady downhill slide into addiction and debauchery. I will find a way onto this show. As we speak, I'm already putting in applications at high end rehab centers. I'll keep you posted.


Peter FNFN said...

yea, [wo]men are free to act. to choose liberty and eternal life, or debauchery and eternal failure.

politicchic6 said...

And my bags are packed for the move to Vegas. That place just seems to become more and more appealing!