How to drive in Vegas.
It’s come to my attention that many who immigrate to Vegas have a hard time adjusting to the unusual traffic customs in town. They are somewhat unusual, so in the interest of public safety I’ve put together some rules that one should abide by while driving in
4) While on the freeway, you should try and drive at least 45 mph under the speed limit. Especially while traveling in the fast lane.
5) Driving in Vegas can be stressful; you should not attempt it unless you have consumed large quantities of whiskey. Try and make sure that your blood alcohol level is at least .25 if driving before 10 a.m. Also, try and keep an open container of alcohol in your car in case you suddenly feel yourself becoming sober. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DRIVE WHILE SOBER. You might not be a danger to yourself and everyone else around you.
6) Always turn into oncoming traffic. If they don’t stop, they must not have wanted to live anyway.
7) Ignore any and all state and federal emissions laws. A delightful cloud of smog should surround your vehicle at all times. If the people behind you can breath, your vehicle is not malfunctioning properly.
8) Your motto while driving in Vegas: DEATH BEFORE YIELDING.
9) Imagine that there are electrodes attached to sensitive regions on your body, and that using your turn signal will activate these electrodes. Don’t signal, ever. Remember, the other cars are the enemy, and you don’t want to give the enemy any hint of what your plans are.
10) You can always make a right turn from the far left lane.
11) Red lights are just suggestions. Again, it is the duty of everyone else on the road to watch out for you and try to anticipate your every driving whim. If anything bad happens, it’s their fault for not doing what you wanted.
12) Always change lanes in the middle of the intersection. Also, try and stop in the middle of the intersection so as to block traffic. You are the most important person on the road. Everyone else should wait for you because their jobs and activities are not as important as yours. It is far more important to get to your destination 3 minutes faster than to drive safely or show concern for human life.
roflmao. you really only appreciate this if you live in vegas. although, if you are from utah, simply substitute the words "vegas" with "provo" and you're good to go.
Another reason not to go live in Vegas. A visit would be fine.
I was going to say that you could apply the same rules to Provo, but some character named choppanator beat me to it. Your vehicle must fit in very nicely in Vegas. P.S. We here in Provo are dying to hear about your thoughts on the upcoming Harry Potter Book. I know you're busy in your so-called "Law school", but I'm sure you have time to come up with a few theories for us.
I knew I needed to move to Vegas.
Politicchic would fit right in with her crazy driving skilz.
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