Friday, June 19, 2009

Fun with Email

Here's a little email I sent to Barbara Boxer today,

Dear Ms. Boxer

I am writing to say that I found your exchange with the General the other day to be shameful and embarrassing. Let me clarify this for you: being a senator does not make you better than other people. It does not entitle you to ANY special respect and certainly doesn't grant special dispensation to be rude and hostile in public. You are a servant of the people, not royalty. You are no different than a butler or a maid, or the guy I pay to cut my lawn. You are employed by people to do a job for them. Servants do NOT insist on titles.

Maybe you should worry less about your title and more about serving the people from California. As it is, your actions show a total lack of humility necessary to serve as my senator and you can count on NEVER getting my vote, my family's vote, or any of my friend's votes. This episode has shown me just how arrogant, self-serving you are and just how disconnected you are from what your job should be.

If you can't manage to represent California well, then perhaps you could at least represent California more quietly, and kindly stop embarrassing us.

1 comment:

stewedslacker said...

P.S. And if you could resign your position... that would be great.