Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Don't Vote

For some stupid reason, every election season hippies and well meaning old people descend on colleges and malls everywhere trying to convince the ignorant masses to vote. This is stupid. I know TONS of college students and mall goers and the idea of them having ANY say in what happens in the country makes me break out in a cold sweat. I have a degree in political science and I almost have a doctorate, I actually pay attention to politics and world affairs. My vote is informed and based on things like facts. Most college students view class as a way to kill time between bong hits. They are too ignorant and stupid to vote. There, I said it. Stupid people should not vote, and they should not have the same say in the government as I do. There, call me a snob or an elitis if you want, but deep down you know I'm right. You look at the guy in front of you in the voting line and start wondering if they clean the voting machine before each use. Don't front, you know this has happened.

If you think that raising minimum wage is ever a good idea, you shouldn't vote. If you think Saddam Hussein was connected to Al Queda, you shouldn't vote. If you can't pass a breathalizer test the morning of the election, you shouldn't vote. If you have not studied the issues and can't explain why you think your candidate's plan will work, DO NOT VOTE. Stay home. I can't stress this enough, democracy was not meant to be run by the lowest common denominator, and you are bringing us down. Voting is not mandatory, so please, don't feel obligated.

Another great article on why you shouldn't vote, here.

Take a test to see whether you are qualified to vote, here.

In other news, Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert pretty much hit the nail on the head with his description of the recovery plan.


Candice Lynn said...

If my students leave my class knowing increasing minimum wage is never a good idea, I will know I have done my job.

Jordan and Nikki Brown said...

Brad - you sure make me laugh. I think Jordan would really enjoy discussing this topic with you!

Peter FNFN said...